Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring might be here?

OK, maybe I am optimistic but there are a lot of tell-tale signs that Spring is here- at least a typical Central Oregon spring. It never got much above 42 degrees today. Might have gotten to 60 on the front porch where I sat and read for awhile, bundled up but with the sun on my face. AAhhh!

I really wonder who writes those weather forecasts for the paper. Monday it's forecast for 50 degrees, "unseasonably cool" - oh yeah? what is so unseasonable about that??!! What is seasonable around here is it can be balmy one moment and snowing the next! May even wake up to snow tomorrow and of course the car in is the garage again.

I can tell spring is here because I have daffodils and a few crocus blooming under the netting I put up to slow/deter the deer. Looks kinda hokey but a girl's gotta do what she can to have a few flowers. The other sign of spring is the itchy nose and eyes - yup the juniper pollen is on the rise.

In addition to the deer, it turns out we now have a rabbit roaming the yard, nibbling here and there. So, I got outside for a bit today (in between dark clouds and wind gusts) and trimmed out some of the dead stuff that I should've cut back last fall. Now it's easier for the rabbit and the deer to get at those tasty morsels. I hope they appreciate my work!